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Helping the homeless out of homelessness

Rebuilding brokenness

Dover Outreach Centre

Dover Outreach Centre

Our values :


The Dover Outreach Centre is a charity set up to help homeless people. Our aim is not to support people in their homelessness but to give them a hand up out of it.


Since starting in 2016, we have had much success in housing previously homeless people, have helped many to find work and reunited others with family following previous breakdown in relationship.


We have also facilitated repatriation to home nations for those who have been unable to find, or sustain, work in the UK. We also place people into long-term rehabilitation for drug and alcohol dependency when they feel able to take this life-changing step.


Many homeless people suffer from mental health problems, which may have been the cause of their homelessness or as a result of it. Counselling is offered to these people to help them overcome their problems.


We are open as a drop-in centre offering a wide range of services to help these members of our community to find their way back to independence.

Drop in Service

Services Offered

Below is a list of services that we currently offer to the rough sleepers who visit the centre:


  • Showers

  • Laundry/washing

  • Porchlight and Serveco drop in (once a week)

  • Lockers

  • Volunteering opportunities  

  • Repatriation

  • Onward referral to Housing Options Team

  • Clothing and shoes  

  • Postal address

  • Advice on benefits, housing and work

  • Letter writing, family contact,form filling

  • Prayers and spiritual advice

  • Foodbank vouchers

  • Financial advice

Visting The Outreach Centre

Visiting the Outreach Centre

The drop-in service is open between 9:00am - 11:00am, Monday to Friday.


We are available to our clients and guests at other times but by appointment only please.


If you wish to visit us at the Centre, please avoid mornings or call us on 01304 339022 so that we can arrange a time and we will be pleased to see you.




If you are interested in volunteering at our drop-in centre, please email the centre manager:



Financial donation:

If you would like to donate, our bank details are as follows:


Dover Outreach Centre

Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30-99-50

Account Number: 55995868

Charity Number: 1168737




Donate by cheque payable to 'Dover Outreach Centre' and send to Victory House, 168 - 170 Snargate Street, Dover , Kent, CT17 9BZ


Donations via JustGiving

Click the "JustGiving donation" button located at the top of each page. If using a mobile, the button can be found on the bottom of each page.

Regular Giving/Gift Aid

.If you would like to donate regularly, please download the Gift Aid form by clicking below.

Contact Us

Contact Us




01304 339022


Victory House

168 - 172 Snargate Street



CT17 9BZ



On foot from the Market Square: head towards York Street, cross at the traffic lights (over a dual carriage way) turn left, heading towards the seafront. At the end of York Street, turn right onto Snargate Street. Victory House is the second door along on your right.


On foot from Townwall Street: stand with your back to the former ‘Banksy’ painting, cross York Street at the traffic lights. Victory House is the second door along on your right.

Dover Outreach Centre       Charity Number: 1168737       Telephone: 01304 339022     168 - 172 Snargate Street , Dover, CT17 9BZ

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